Unfortunately for my social studies teacher, she gave out some felt pens in class. This ones for you Max.
Some of my friends at a party
Heres some friends of mine at a party. Beautiful friends :)
Pencil stands out a little better in the originals than on these scans but I'm sure you get the idea.
Enjoy! :)
Death to the man who stands in front of you.
A brick wall that’s impossible.
Haha! I have you!
Made of mortar and clay, you wont last another day,
I have you.
We used to sex and will again but made no love you are my friend and slave till there’s a better time adieu.
In past i swore no more before I’d wiped you from my view.
Inside you gripped beneath by my stupidity you grew.
I’ll squash and squish your ligaments till all that’s left is what’s true.
Goodbye for now.
When next we meet it’ll be a weaker point, I know you’ll swell and strangle me again till blue.
You’ll build your wall anew.
With plastics and electric glue.
You’ll try really hard too.
But for now, oh for now, I have you.
My new site
Wow, finally I have done it. After years of wanting to set up a website to publish my work online, here it is. I hope you enjoy my art and my musings.
With Love,