Thank you so much you special 27 who were able to make it to Womb With A View this last week. Very special times for me. Performing in this show was challenging in a way I wasn't expecting. My characters job was to play with each person openly and personally. As a result, people connected with him. And then they opened up. Initially, I wasn't sold on the whole one audience experience idea but after doing this I think it’s quite special. Arlo Gibson, I love making work with you man, everytime I do I end up being faced more and more with the universality of emotions like fear, shame, and worthlessness. It makes me braver to face these things in myself. And the less I am afraid of them, the more I can show others not to be afraid of them too. I’m so proud of you for making your own thing.
The picture is of little Ewe, unpacking now, but only to reform in another womb, another time.