Non Flower Elements

For the last week I've been traveling around the South Island with my flat mates but I wanna let ya'll know about the next show I'm making. It's another with Arlo Gibson, same as SKYLOVING, but this time will be a full length work (about an hour or so), and upstairs at the Basement from 22nd - 26th August. Awesomely, we just found out that we have been accepted into the Let's Make Work Together Incubator by Barbarian Productions in Wellington (

So we'll get a week in Welly to work on the show with some mentorship from the Barbarian Productions peeps.

About the show: 

On the journey to gnosis, Ash and Arlo seek self enlightenment through dismantlement. Let's pick apart ourselves. How did my family make me, me? How much was who I am, by nature? How much of me is my upbringing? How much of the me that is right now, the one that is making new decision after new decision, is completely controlled by that little one I have no memory of? Inspired by dance, clowning, and game, Ash and Arlo seek to expose their own earnest self-investigation in a meditative hour of entertainment. First, Arlo performs a solo piece for 20 minutes. His solo piece is joined by Ash and for the next 20 the boys perform together. Almost without notice, Arlo slips away and Ash performs the last 20 minutes alone.

This performance will be very physical; movement and image oriented, with words and music and our family too.

Non Flower Elements will be on in the Basement Studio from August 22-26.