Aim Me and I'll Hold them Up High for You

You are the form of woman to me,

And therefore,

I worship you.

You are the part that is missing with me,

And therefore,

I worship you.

These poems are mine b'now they're written for you,

And therefore,

I worship you.

I once had to lie, but now it's all true, 

And therefore,

I worship you.


So, I welcome you to be with me,

To be with me,

And worship.

And if you need another way,

Another time,

Another day,

I'm flexible but still I'll see,

A time for us to worship.


So party down!

Let's celebrate!

The both of us rejoice.

Maybe it's you can't stand the fate

And you've taken my voice.

Maybe I'll lose the sight of me,

No longer anonymity

But I've desire for you to see

That I gaze on you worshipfully.

Perhaps you find it hard because you're still finding the you

And when I pray, divine woman,

You see that we are two,

But also you are feeling that

I want us to be one.

I cast myself away and worship you like it's the sun!


See, you allowed me to be more and therefore,

I worship.

It's not an easy thing for me to be lady is such a mystery to me and I shut the lid so hard before it was closed to me but now you help to turn the key no matter it's so rusty,

You see, you're young and I have lived, time has cracked and crushed me,

Inspired, I, to shirk said suit, and worship most devoutly

You're wanting, what? I'll get it hun

See you're a Goddess with a gun

Can't longer stand the me, you've won.

And therefore baby,



I worship you.