Barbarian Productions

Hello, time to update you on what I'm up to next.

This weekend I am performing in a rad work by Barbarian Productions called GRAND OPENING. Its first iteration was at the iconic Opera House in Wellington in 2015, and now we're opening the magnificent CIVIC THEATRE wide open for a play with all of you. This work is inspired by THE CIVIC's history and will be silly, family-friendly aaaaand, it's a Barbarian Production people, so prepare to be surprised.

The show is on 11-9.30 this Saturday and 12-6.30 this Sunday. Audiences are admitted every 15 minutes and bookings are essential. Tickets $15.00 plus service fees.

You'll find tickets here.

And more info here.

Aaaaaalso coming up for the Fringe is a new THANKYOUREALGOODPARTYTIMELTD. Production; WOMB WITH A VIEW... We have some new mates joining us this time, like milo cawthorneSaraid CameronZoe RobinsEmily Campbell, and Phoebe Borwick. Whew! What a sweet cast.

Peace and love and gritty drama to you all,
